6 Tips for Saving Energy this Winter 

6 Tips for Saving Energy this Winter 

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As the winter months approach, we are reminded of how our household energy use skyrockets. This hurts not only the environment, but our wallets. The questions becomes, how do we balance cost efficiency and comfort? Luckily, there are many simple solutions to this seasonal dilemma. Continue reading to learn 6 tips for saving energy this winter.



  • Seal leaks 


One of the easiest ways to save energy during the winter is to keep it in your house. So much heat can be lost from under doors and through poorly insulated windows. However, this is very easy to prevent. A plastic sheet and tape can seal up your windows in a pinch, and a draft stop or a towel can keep air from leaking out under your front door. If you have a fireplace, and you never use it, you may want to get it sealed up. Otherwise, remember to keep the damper shut up when it is not in use.



  • Turn the down heat 


It’s not as bad as you think. You can save hundreds of dollars a year by turning your thermostat down about ten degrees at night. As long as you invest in some thermal pajamas and a big comforter, you’ll be fine. You can do the same during the day while everyone is at school or work. Just make sure that if you have pets, you make accommodations for them.



  • Bundle up 


If you really feel like roughing it, you can keep the heat down while you’re awake at home too. This will require wearing a couple extra layers around the house, but it’s a great option for people who love sweaters and saving money.



  • Turn your fan on 


This sounds like a weird tip, but you can use your ceiling fan to keep your house warmer. Most ceiling fans have clockwise and counterclockwise settings. The clockwise setting is for winter, and the counterclockwise is for summer. Clockwise traps heat in a room, while counterclockwise draws heat up to the ceiling. So, next time you feel like your fan isn’t doing its job, check and see which direction it’s spinning in.



  • Switch your lights out 


It is not uncommon for energy bills to spike during the holiday season. With so many lights strung up inside and out, it’s really not a surprise. However, the use of LED lights can help curb that price spike. LED lights use less energy and last far longer than traditional lights. It also helps to turn these lights off when you’re not at home, or asleep. This saves energy and eliminates a serious fire hazard.



  • Take care of your heating system 


If you want your heating system to be as efficient as possible, you have to keep it in good shape. This means having annual heating and cooling check-ups as well as changing out your furnace filter. Do put off repairs on your heating system. Delaying repairs can only lead to further damage and higher prices in the end.


If these tips don’t lead you to the perfect combination of cozy and cost-effective, maybe it’s time to search for a new home that will meet your needs. Blue Marble Properties, LLC can help you sell your home, and find a new one quickly and easily. Contact us for more information.




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