Back to School Real Estate Tips 

Back to School Real Estate Tips 

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As summer winds down and the kids head back to school, the real estate market tends to slow down a bit: most buyers have hurried to purchase their homes and move in before the start of the school year, after all. This puts home buyers in the back to school months in an excellent position: with less competition from other buyers, and all sellers being serious enough to continue in a buyers market, low prices and excellent finds become the norm. Here are a few tips that can help you get the best autumn deal:


Perspective Matters. The shortening days of autumn (combined with the effects of daylight savings time) can make seeing a house during daylight hours difficult, especially for those with busy work schedules. That being said, seeing a home during daylight is crucial in order to get a well-illuminated look at the house (and to understand if the windows and openings allow sufficient natural light into the home in the first place.)


The Yard. Many people allow their yards to fall into disrepair during the autumn months. If this is the case for the home you are viewing, there are two factors to take into account. On the positive side, this means the house may be nicer than it actually appears–allowing you to get a good value simply because of a few cosmetic issues that are easy to repair. On the negative side, a lack of attention to something as simple as yard care could indicate a lax attitude from the house’s soon-to-be-former owners–and that attitude could be responsible for other elements of disrepair. One final note: the falling leaves of autumn can make dead plants difficult to spot–and dead bushes or trees can be quite a hassle to remove.


Dealing with harsh weather. One downside of house hunting in the autumn months (especially the later autumn months) is the harsh weather that may plague you as you trek from home to home. Come prepared and dressed warm–after all, you don’t want to let a bit of discomfort to cause you to let your guard down, hurry through a hoe tour, and overlook an important factor!


How does weather affect the home? A positive of that aforementioned harsh weather: visiting homes in cold weather will give you a better idea of how they stand up against the cold: if you notice that a home feels drafty, that the heating system is loud and bothersome, or any other potential problem, then braving all that cold weather will have ultimately been worth it. Conversely, you will be missing the chance to see the air conditioning system in action, so be sure to inquire about the home’s cooling system.


Consider alternative options. Even in a buyer’s market, it’s important to consider all of your options in order to find the best possible deal. Blue Marble Properties, for example, offers unique pricing options on short-sale homes–so visit us online today to learn see listings and expand your possibilities!

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