How To Estimate The Cost Of Getting Your Home Ready For Sale By Realtor

How To Estimate The Cost Of Getting Your Home Ready For Sale By Realtor

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Are you thinking about selling your home? Are you wondering how much time and money it will cost you to fix it up and get it ready for sale? There may be more to getting your house ready for potential buyers to see than you think. Every little detail around your house could be the difference between a yes and a no from a prospective homeowner. Though it may seem at first like an overwhelming task, getting your house ready for sale is actually more of an opportunity–because the reward you receive from fixing up your home will likely by far more than the money you invest in it.


Fixing Up Around The House

To begin with, there are probably several small defects around your house that, having lived in it for years, you have managed to turn a blind eye to. This could include anything from a broken or faulty light bulb in the back of your garage, to a dent or mark on the wall of your living room, to a piece of broken trim. These are all easy fixes that will probably cost only a few dollars, but will make your house seem substantially more attractive to buyers.


Floors: Wood, Carpet, Tile, Etc.

The cost of repairing or replacing your floors will vary widely. Use your best judgement when determining whether or not to invest in fixing your floors. Polishing a wood floor or scrubbing the stains out of a carpet could cost little to nothing, whereas putting down new wood, carpet or tiles may cost hundreds of dollars.


Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning is another step that you are capable of taking on your own, so long as you are willing to invest the time. However, if your house is particularly dirty, you aren’t physically able, or you would just prefer not to do it yourself, you can hire professionals to clean your house. This might cost you somewhere between $100 and $500, depending on the cleaners’ skill level and how clean you want your house.


Removing Personal Items

Keeping your home free of clutter when it goes up for sale is crucial. Buyers want to be able to envision the home as theirs, and this will probably be difficult if the walls are covered in your photos, the garage is stuffed full of old boxes of your keepsakes, and the backyard is strewn with your children’s toys. Depending on how much stuff you have around, you may even want to consider keeping some of your clutter in a storage unit until you move out. The cost of this will vary somewhat based on how many things you have to store and where you store them.


Improving Curb Appeal

If you’re looking to maximize profit, one of the first things you should do to ensure your house seems sellable is to clean up the lawn, the porch, and the outside of your house. First impressions make a difference, particularly in the minds of home-buyers with lots of options. If your lawn is particularly overgrown with weeds, shrubs, or other such nuisances, you may want to consider landscaping–or hiring a professional to do it for you.



Once again, the cost of this may vary widely. If you only have to paint one particular room or one wall, and you are able to do it yourself, painting should be relatively cheap and easy. If your whole house, inside and out, requires painting, you should either hire someone to do it for you or be prepared to spend a great deal of time doing it yourself.


Decorating and Remodeling

Although in some cases it may not be necessary or cost effective to entirely remodel your kitchen or bathroom, it would still be wise to consider replacing linoleum floor with tile, re-doing outdated or broken countertops, or putting in new cabinets. If this increases the style, beauty, or utility of your house, that could bring its worth up significantly.


Looking To Sell Your Home Quickly?

Check out Blue Marble Properties today! Blue Marble specializes in buying homes quickly and for cash. Visit our website at to read about our real-estate solutions and browse testimonials.

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